Rural Regeneration

Rural Ireland has faced many challenges over recent decades through the decline of traditional industries, associated job losses through the emigration of young people and poor connectivity in terms of transport and digital infrastructure. Ludgate is committed to enabling the Governments “Our Rural Future Policy” which recognises the centrality of people, the importance of vibrant and lived-in rural places, and the potential to create quality jobs and sustain our shared environment.

We do this through:

1. Offering facilities with digital connectivity, closing the digital divide between rural and urban by equipping our cluster schools with the technology and learning platforms to develop STEM skillsets in our young.

2. Supporting Employment and Careers in Rural Areas through advertising employment opportunities and operating as a bridge between the employment seeker and the employer.

3. The enhancement of services within West Cork allowing employees to live and work remotely with no impediments to connectivity and the equipment necessary to operate effectively.

4. Supporting our community of West Cork to transition to a Climate Neutral Society through the dissemination of informative events.


If you are interested in becoming a partner/sponsor please get in touch